Management Eleventh Edition: Warren R. Plunkett and Gemmy S. Allen (2020)
Management Eleventh Edition: Warren R. Plunkett and Gemmy S. Allen (2020)

This eleventh edition of Management is an adaptation from Management: 11e Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations is a comprehensive survey of the functions of management as they are currently being applied in the United States and around the world. The content and features are structured to reinforce three continuing themes that are woven into the chapters’ narratives: (1) the never-ending effort by managers and organizations to meet or exceed customers’ needs, (2) the need organizations and their people have to be guided by effective leadership, and (3) the growing use of technology, including social media.

The authors have made every effort to keep this text objective, timely, and interesting to both the student and the instructor. All case problems, examples, and features portray actual companies and managers in action. Companies have been selected to provide balance between large and small organizations representing service, manufacturing, and retailing industries. Successes as well as failures are included to lend perspective and aid in understanding.

ISBN 978-967-15997-1-6 (Hardcover) – Contents in 4-colour

About the Authors

Warren R. Plunkett
Warren R. Plunkett is a retired professor of management and Chairman of the Business Department at Wright College, City Colleges of Chicago. He holds a B.B.A. from Notre Dame University and an M.B.A. from Roosevelt University. Since graduating from Notre Dame, Warren has been a high school teacher, a systems analyst, a member of the U.S. Army Reserve, a management consultant, a college professor for 30 years at Wright College, and most recently an entrepreneur. Warren has authored several textbooks, including Supervision: The Direction of People at Work, Business, The Consumer in America, and Management: Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations. Warren has made numerous presentations to industry, and has served on numerous committees and led various workshops.
Gemmy S. Allen
Gemmy S. Allen holds a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from the University of Texas at Arlington and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of North Texas. She has also completed all but the dissertation for a doctorate from UNT. Her awards include being named Outstanding Mountain View College Faculty Member and receiving the Golden Oak Award, Oak Cliff Chamber of Commerce; the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Excellence in Teaching Award; and the award for Mountain View College Innovator of the Year. She has served as a member of Microsoft Mentors, the Microsoft/Compaq College Advisory Council, and the St. Philip’s College Model Electronic Commerce Curriculum Advisory Committee. She is the founding teacher of the Virtual College of Texas—“Internet Teachers at Every College.” Known for her progressive use of social media in the classroom, Ms. Allen maintains a blog called “Management Minutes” (, tweets about management on Twitter @MgtMin, and regularly posts to her Facebook page at In addition to Management: Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations, she has co-authored several discipline-specific, Internet-related books and has developed several online classes. Ms. Allen has made numerous presentations to industry and has led workshops in the United States, Australia, and Mexico.

Table of Contents

Preface xiii
Part 1: Management Concepts
Chapter 1: Management: An Overview 2
Chapter 2: Management Thought: Past and Present 34
Chapter 3: The Manager's Environment 62
Part 2: Planning
Chapter 4: Planning and Strategy 88
Chapter 5: Making Decisions 128
Chapter 6: Management Ethics and Social Responsibility 162
Chapter 7: International Management 194
Part 3: Organizing
Chapter 8: Organizing Principles 222
Chapter 9: Organizational Design, Culture, and Change 260
Part 4: Staffing
Chapter 10: Staffing the Workforce 306
Chapter 11: Communication: Interpersonal and Organizational 350
Part 5: Influencing
Chapter 12: Managing Individual Differences and Behavior 382
Chapter 13: Motivation 406
Chapter 14: Leadership 446
Chapter 15: Team Management 478
Part 6: Controlling
Chapter 16: Information Management Systems 510
Chapter 17: Control: Purpose, Process, and Techniques 536
Chapter 18: Quality Management 582
Operations Management 612
References 638
Glossary 651
Index 663

Instructors Supplements

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