This up-to-date textbook is designed for use by professors and lecturers teaching undergraduate or postgraduate courses in business research method as a primary textbook. Additionally, it may be used as a supplementary textbook by instructors teaching a range of business courses, especially at the undergraduate level, in which research projects, theses or essays are required.
Lecturers and students alike will appreciate the book’s user-friendly approach to research, which walks students through a given research project from start to nish. The authors explain what to include, what to avoid, and how to navigate the difficult path of any research project, however simple or complex. To this end, they provide easy-to-understand charts, graphs, tables, exhibits and illustrations throughout the book.
The book features chapters on how to begin a literature review, how to conduct qualitative and quantitative research, how to assemble a research design, how to determine sample sizes, and, finally, how to write reports. Its sixteen chapters blend together in such a way that researchers can find answers to almost any question involving business research methods. Finally, the key terms and questions included in each chapter help students develop a rich understanding of scholarly research and writing.
The book’s authors include faculty members from both public and private universities across Malaysia, many of whom have extensive research and teaching experience. They are scholars who worked together to write a book with a single goal in mind: to design a business research methods book focused on contemporary issues and trends for today’s students.
ISBN 978-967-15997-3-0 (2020) – Contents in 4-colour
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